Travel player code of conduct & commitment

  • Refrain from unsportsmanlike gestures, talk, language, or profanity. Players will not taunt or tease players on their own team or the opposing team.

  • Be courteous to the umpires, the other team and its coaches.

  • All decisions made by the umpires are to be accepted as final. No player should argue a call or judgment.  Only the Manager and Coach should be questioning calls and judgments. 

  • No team member shall throw his bat, helmet, glove or any object in disgust on or off the playing field at any time.

  • Accept the coaches’ decision regarding playing positions and the amount of playing time. Understand that this is a Travel Team and there are no guarantees for equal playing time or position.

  • Understand that the Strike One Silver Kings Travel Baseball Program reserves the right to release any player from the team for poor sportsmanship by the player and/or the players family during games or for other reasons to include but are not limited to lack of cooperation, poor attitude, disorderly conduct, lack of commitment, effort or attendance.

  • All players will follow the guidelines set forth for the team and the program.

  • Understand that the coach may impose additional rules, guidelines and/or policies that I am required to follow and failure to comply with the rules, guidelines and/or policies is a violation of your commitment.

  • You are committed to the Strike One Silver Kings Travel Baseball Team for the duration of the team’s calendar season. You are not allowed to be on another travel team’s roster unless you have obtained approval from the Strike One Silver Kings Travel Baseball Program.

Parent/guardian Code of Conduct & Commitment

  • Obey all rules and regulations of Strike One Silver Kings Travel Baseball program.

  • Refrain from giving the children instructions during the game – allow the coaches to manage the team and game.

  • Refrain from dugout visits.

  • Get your child to practice and games on time.

  • Remember children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.

  • Teach your child always to play by the rules.

  • Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than a victory.

  • Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game. Your child will then be a winner, even in defeat.

  • Do not ridicule or yell at your child for making a mistake or for losing a game.

  • Set a good example. Children learn best by example.

  • Do not publicly question an umpire’s judgment and never their honesty. Accept the umpires decision as final and respect the fact that they too make mistakes.

  • Recognize the value and importance of coaches. Give them their due respect. Without them, there would be no baseball program.

  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sporting activities.

  • If you have a problem/conflict with the Manager or Coaches, do not approach them during or after a game.  Call the coach to discuss the matter or set a meeting with the Manager or Coach to discuss the matter.

  • Accept the coaches’ decision regarding playing positions and the amount of playing time. Understand that this is a Travel Team and there are no guarantees for equal playing time or position.

  • Understand that the Strike One Silver Kings Travel Baseball Program reserves the right to release any player from the team for poor sportsmanship by the player and/or the players family during games or for other reasons to include but are not limited to lack of cooperation, poor attitude, disorderly conduct, lack of commitment, effort or attendance.

  • Understand that any removal of your child and/or a family member from a game will result in a two (2) game minimum suspension for the child and your family.  Child must attend and sit on the bench for the two suspended games in shorts/pants, jersey and hat.

  • If a child is dismissed from practice the manager has the discretion to suspend the player for a minimum of 2 games.

  • Understand that negative comments or ridicule of another player, family and/or manager or coach using any social media outlet is grounds for immediate removal from the program.

  • Understand that any disorderly conduct, confrontation or inappropriate behavior is grounds for immediate removal from the program.

  • Understand and acknowledge that the player season registration payments (team dues) are non-refundable. If a child is dismissed or voluntarily leaves a Travel team the parents are not entitled to a refund and all monies are forfeited.

  • Understand that a late fee could be imposed, if the team payment is 7 days, or more, overdue. 

  • Understand that the coach may impose additional rules, guidelines and/or policies that you’re required to follow and failure to comply with the rules, guidelines and/or policies is a violation of your commitment.